Tuesday, September 11, 2018

*The Ugly Truth Behind Failure*

*The Ugly Truth Behind Failure*
*There’s nothing that can stop you from doing it, Dear Realtor*
Remember, it’s your responsibility to take charge of your own self-concept and beliefs. You must choose to believe that you can do anything at all—because, in fact, you can.
This week, I want you to try a simple exercise to transform any limiting belief into an empowering statement. Start by making a list of any belief that might be limiting you, such as: “I’ll never be rich doing real estate network marketing business,” or “I can’t do anything right, so why should I try?”
Or I can't succeed in real estate network market business because I live in Sokoto state or I am a Mum with responsibilities or it is my job.
I can't close a high ticket estate of 10M or above or I can't make 1 Million or 10 Million naira or 20 Million naira worth of commissions.
Then notice how these beliefs limit you, decide how you would rather be, act, or feel, and create a turnaround statement that affirms or gives you permission to be, act, or feel this new way.
To believing in yourself,
Change all those *I can't do this in a new statement as *I Can*
Everyone has big dreams. But why is it that so many people fail to make those dreams a reality?
It’s not because they’re physically or mentally incapable of doing so. And it’s not because they lack the time or the money.
The sad reality is, most people fail because they lack the confidence and belief in themselves required to succeed.
That’s the one big factor that separates the winners from the losers: BELIEF.
But when you believe that something is impossible, you won’t even bother trying. Why would you, when deep down you believe your efforts will be wasted?
That’s why confidence and self-esteem play such a huge role in determining your level of success.
The more confidence you have, the more risks you’re willing to take – and the more risks you take, the more chances you have of success.
I am
*Dr Laide Okubena*
I believe You can do Great Things, I believe Nothing is impossible for you to Achieve in this season, this month and Year.

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